July 9th Full Moon in Capricorn - Intense Inner Schisms

Whenever we have a full moon, we experience a since of being split on some level. The sun and the moon are 180 degrees from each other, in completely opposing signs. This upcoming full moon on July 9, the sun in Cancer will call us to think about home and family life, while the moon in Capricorn will pull us to career and the outer world. Now is a good time to think about how you are balancing those things – where are you investing your time and resources? Do you have too much of one of these areas and now enough of the other? How do you balance your inner and outer lives?
With any full moon we’re called to find balance, but this full moon in particular, the feeling of being “split” will be more intense than ever, with both Mars and Pluto coming into create more oppositional energy. Even Jupiter in Libra’s coming into play, squaring both the Sun and the Moon and creating the astrological formation known as the T-square.
Mars Conjunct Sun
Mars conjunct the sun will make us feel that now is the time for action. We might even be prone to impulsive action because of all the assertive energy that Mars brings to the table. So make sure any action you take is in alignment with your goals. The burst of energy that you will experience today is best channeled by physical activities, so if you’re feeling restless try going for run or hitting the gym.
Because Mars is in Cancer, the sign of the home and the family, some of us may not want to take too drastic an action. We may want to consider other people first and make sure our actions will not hurt them. This is definitely not a bad thing, but it can end up making the energy feel a little bit stuck. Again - if you’re feeling irritable or restless, move your body!
Moon Conjunct Pluto
It’s time for big-time transformation, that’s what Pluto conjunct the moon in Capricorn is telling us. A powerful inner need for change is a hallmark of this aspect. You may want to cut ties with a job, a partner, or a situation; or you may not want to cut ties but find somehow that the situation is being taken from you and you are powerless to stop it. When the moon conjuncts Pluto we may experience deep, powerful, and unstable emotions – almost as if something is reaching up from the depths of our subconscious to say: you can’t ignore me any longer. Cut the bullshit.
For those who do releasing ceremonies around the full moon, this aspect will enhance those rituals, and for those who don’t, you may want to consider it!
Pluto’s also going to make the Mars/Sun conjunction feel that more potent as well. Because it’s in opposition to Mars and Sun, watch that you don’t project any inner conflicts outward. Any person that irritates you today is most likely just reflecting back a profound need to change the inner level
Sun and Moon Square Jupiter
To make this already strong configuration even more powerful, we have Jupiter in Libra coming in and creating a T-Square, an aspect pattern that looks like a right triangle. Jupiter in Libra has been asking us to expand our relationships over the last year and look at how we can bring more balance between self and other. So while we’re experiencing this burst of energy from Mars/Sun and this strong inner need for transformation from Moon/Pluto, we also need to account for our relationships in any decision-making we do.
Whew, what a combo!
So what can you do with all this difficult energy? In natal charts with t-squares, the advice is always to look at the sign opposite of the right angle – this sign will help balance the energies. For the t-square this full moon, that sign is Aries.
Aries is the sign of individuality. It’s the sign that gives us a sense of self. Out of all the signs, Aries says, this is Me. This is who I am. These are my values and my desires.
So while we’re struggling with the themes of family (Cancer), career (Capricorn), and relationship (Libra), what will help us most is knowing who we are. What are your goals, your values, your ideals? What things won’t you compromise on? What things are integral to your sense of self?
Knowing that will help you navigate this full moon and keep you from getting too pulled apart by these cosmic forces.
Happy full moon!